When everything in your life went wrong, just don't give up. Keep in mind that you're not the only one who suffers from problems in this world. Here are some cheerful tips to drive it way.
1. When you feel depressed, because of negative circumstance and your thoughts are negative, reverse them and project thoughts of what you most want to happen in your life. Experience now the happiness, love, peace and joy you desire. Jump up, shout it to the rooftops and pour enthusiasm into your desire for a happier life. This sudden rush of energy will dissolve your mental inertia and feelings of depression.
2. If you desire more friends, if you want more people to be around you, to admire you and to love you, then the very next person you speak to, greet with enthusiasm. Show to others the admiration and love you seek.
3. Act like an enthusiastic person. Get on fire. Project a sparkling personality that marks you as a dynamic person. Act enthusiastically toward everything and you'll be marked as an enthusiastic person.
4. Lethargy pyramids, so does enthusiasm. Don't be lethargic in the morning, enthusiastic at noon and lethargic again in the evening. Jump out of bed in the morning with enthusiasm for 'what's ahead' and stay that way until you retire.
5. Associate with enthusiastic people. They'll influence your life in like manner. Enthusiastic people, are the now people. They are cheerful, happy, zestful. Enthusiastic people will inspire you to achieve greater things in life. Make friends with enthusiastic people. They are excellent mental pick-me-ups. When you are around them, their enthusiasm won't allow for loneliness or fits of depression.
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